Worship With Us
Gathered together in faith
Sunday Worship
Attending worship at First Congregational offers a casual, warm, justice-focused time for practicing your faith. You don’t have to belong to any specific religion or know what you believe to belong. All are welcome.
Join us Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Worship is in-person and livestreamed on YouTube.
The livestream can be accessed via YouTube shortly before 10:00 a.m. on Sunday.
Holiday Services
Lenten Vespers
Lenten vesper services offer a mid-week time of reflection and prayer.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday service marks the beginning of Lent and offers us a time to begin our Lenten walk together in community. During the service, we celebrate Communion and offer Imposition of Ashes. The service is held at 7:00 p.m.
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday service features a Tenebrae service of lessons accompanied by the gradual extinguishing of lights. The service is held at 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday
The Good Friday service is Biblical readings with organ interludes. It is a quiet service, meant for private reflection of the events leading up to Easter. The service is held at 12:00 p.m.
Easter Vigil
The Easter vigil is the culmination of a 40-day-long observance of Lent and takes place after sundown on the night before Easter. The Service marks a transition from dark into light, despair to hope, spiritual emptiness to spiritual newness. It is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection and the turning of our attention to the coming of a new day.
Easter Sunday
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and ponder how life anew is felt in our own lives.
Advent Vespers
Advent vesper services offer a mid-week time of reflection and prayer.
Blue Christmas
Blue Christmas is a reflective time of worship that recognizes the holiday season is not merry and jolly for everyone.
Christmas Eve Services
Two Christmas Eve services are offered; a family-focused early service at 5:00 p.m., and a traditional service of lessons and carols at 9:00 p.m.

Special Services
Prison Ministry Sunday
We celebrate the Prison Ministry Project on Epiphany Sunday because when the Magi arrive, they bow down in recognition of a power greater than the secular power they represent.
Animal Blessing
Our pets are a beloved members of our family and we want to honor that relationship by offering our Blessing of the Animals. Each fall, we invite all pets, big or small, to join us!
Open and Affirming Sunday
Each year in October, we celebrate the commitment that was made to welcome and affirm our LGBTQIA friends and family.
Accessibility Sunday
Each fall, we reaffirm the Congregation’s commitment to being a welcoming and accessible faith community.
Bike Blessing
Many members use their bikes regularly for transportation and pleasure. We bless the bikes for safety in their journeys, carrying all of God’s children.
Children and Youth Sunday
The children and youth of First Cong lead worship one Sunday a year.
Blessing of the Backpacks
When students return to school, we invite them to bring their backpacks to worship to be blessed, along with the many backpacks and school supplies collected to distribute to those in need.
All Saints' Sunday
All Saint’s Sunday is the Sunday we honor both members of the congregation, and family or friends, who have died.