Outreach Ministries
We are called by God to acts of witness, compassion and empowerment.
Helping our neighbors in need
“For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. I was naked and you gave me clothing. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you visited me.” – Matthew 25: 35-45.
The words of Jesus both invite and compel us to actions that serve the people for whom Jesus cared. The outreach ministries at First Congregational United Church of Christ (FCUCC) supports our neighbors in need and has a long history of collaborating with groups focused on social justice.
Outreach to those without homes
Recycle the Warmth Bedding Drive
Each winter, the members of First Congregational donate gently used and new bedding to St. Vincent de Paul for people in need in Madison and surrounding communities.
Organizations supported by FCUCC
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS)
Street Pulse
The Road Home
Healing House

Outreach to the hungry
Community Meals at Luke House
Each month members of our Church provide and serve food for the Community Meals program at Luke House. The program serves free lunch and dinner to those in need in the Madison area.
Madison Area CROP Walk
CROP walks support the ministry of Church World Service, and partner agencies, with their grassroots, hunger-fighting development efforts. Twenty-five percent of funds raised stay local.
Farmer's Market Food Collection
Periodically volunteers help the Community Action Coalition glean produce from farmers and vendors at the local market to give to Dane County food pantries.
Food Pantry Collections
FCUCC collects non-perishable food items for the local pantries. Donated items can be dropped off in the collection basket in the Narthex.
Community Thanksgiving Meal
Since 1993, the church has hosted a free Thanksgiving meal for the community. Volunteers prepare, cook, and serve meals to several hundred people. All are welcome to share fellowship and a traditional holiday meal. There are volunteer opportunities for all ages.
Organizations supported by FCUCC
Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Partner Shares Program
Second Harvest Food Bank

Outreach to children and youth
Backpack and School Supply Collection
We believe it is important to send children and youth to school prepared to succeed. Each fall, school supplies are collected and backpacks purchased for distribution to local schools, neighborhood centers, and other organizations supporting homeless families and youth.

Outreach to LGBTQIA community
Rainbow People
Rainbow People plans four social or educational events each year for LGBTQIA families, individuals, and allies. Rainbow People was originally established in 1996 and renewed under new leadership in 2016.
AIDS Quilt
Periodic regional display of the AIDS Quilt panel.
Organizations supported by FCUCC
Outreach, Inc.
First Congregational UCC is a financial supporter of Outreach, Inc.’s Pride Parade and annual Awards dinner.